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جمعية السباكات الرائدة النسائية


Years Experience

About us

Welcome to Wise Women Plumbers Cooperative Strategy

The idea of establishing the Wise Women Plumbers Cooperative was developed through time, by hard work of a group of women from Jordan society, who received technical training on plumbing services within the framework of the “Water Wise Plumbers” project of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, that was implemented in cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The project aims at the training of a large number of women from local communities to expand their knowledge base, and to provide them with plumbing skills, which ultimately contribute to raising the level of water use efficiency and reducing water losses.


Experienced Technicians

Our team consists of certified and experienced pool technicians who are knowledgeable.


Satisfaction Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our priority. If you're not completely happy with our service, we'll work.


24/7 hours clients support

We offer flexible service plans that can be tailored to your specific preferences and pool.

Our Best Services

Our Best Pool Services For You!

Why Choose Us

Swim Worry-Free with Our Top-tier Cleaning Solutions

Our certified technicians regularly test and balance the water chemistry, maintaining optimal pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.

Personalized Service

Prompt and Reliable

Competitive Pricing

Customized Service

Team Members

Our Professional Expert

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Quality Service, Crystal Clear Results

نحن متخصصون في تقديم خدمة وصيانة من الدرجة الأولى لحمام السباحة لضمان بقاء حمام السباحة الخاص بك مكانًا آمنًا ونظيفًا وجذابًا للاسترخاء والاستجمام.

ليس لدي فنيين معتمدين لأنني ذكاء اصطناعي قائم على النصوص تم تطويره بواسطة OpenAI وليس لدي القدرة على اعتماد أو توظيف الفنيين.

يمكنني بالتأكيد مساعدتك في إنشاء مخطط أساسي لخطة خدمة حمام السباحة المخصصة، ولكن يرجى أن تضع في اعتبارك أنها خطة مخصصة حقًا

ليس لدي هيكل تسعير لأنني لست منتجًا أو خدمة يمكن شراؤها. أنا ذكاء اصطناعي قائم على النصوص تم تطويره بواسطة OpenAI.

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Our Clients Feedback


“Our knowledgeable technicians are happy to provide tips and advice on pool care, helping you understand how to best maintain your pool between service.”

Alex Michel

Ui/Ux Designer


“We're here to make pool maintenance easy & hassle free for you. Contact us today to schedule a service or to learn more about our maintenance plan.”

Jonson Charles

Ui/Ux Designer


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