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Number of trainees


Number of empowered women


 students educated about rationalizing water


 visited for maintenance 

Cleaning tanks and Installing Float Valve

Here at  WWPC we’re dedicated to ensure the safety and quality of your drinking water with our specialized  roof tank cleaning and disinfection services.

Training In Pluming

At WWPC, we’re passionate about empowering our trainees, primarily women, who make up 85% of our participants. Our programs welcome everyone, including refugees and individuals with disabilities, offering them valuable skills for jobs in areas typically dominated by men, We focus on teaching water-saving

Maintenance and Water conservation

WWPC proudly offers professional maintenance and water conservation services, addressing both the environmental need for water efficiency and the challenges women face in home maintenance. 

Training Women in Plumbing

As WWPC our existence aim to integrate all women in non-traditional careers and develop the concept of vocational services in a professional manner through empowerment and employment programs that we implement in marginalized and vulnerable areas to empower women economically, and socially.

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